The Veracruz Mexican Vanilla Beans - Grade B - Extract Grade

$25.95 $28.95

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Best Price $23.99/oz when you buy a 1kg group buy pouch
Bean Family: V. planifolia
Bean Origin: Mexican
Bean Quality: Grade B (pliable, very dry, sometimes brittle) Extract Grade
Aroma: Bold, pronounced, creamy vanilla
Extract Taste: Vanilla, chocolate toffee, vanilla spice, mocha
Best Spirits: Visit our spirit pairing guide.


Named after a beautiful region of Mexico: Veracruz. 

Veracruz Mexico Map

Currently, the Mexican vanilla bean is one of the most expensive and sought-after beans on the market due to limited supply. 

Our Veracruz Mexican vanilla beans are harvested where the climate is amicable and the soil is rich with nutrition. These factors make real, Mexican vanilla beans one of the most delightful and elegant vanilla beans on the planet.

When you open the package of Veracruz vanilla, you will immediately notice a dark-chocolate-like rich vanilla scent, followed with a spicy vanilla kick. As you remove the beans from their pouch, you will smell an earthy mocha vanilla with a notes of caramel and toffee. If you use these beans to make extract, you will taste and smell a strong, concentrated, sweet, buttery vanilla with soft notes of vanilla spice, some mocha and a hint of chocolate toffee. 

We have been sourcing Mexican vanilla for years. Our farmers work hard, hand-pollinating each orchid, to deliver a beautiful and sweet vanilla bean. 

Veracruz Grade B Mexican vanilla beans are usually between 6" and 7" inches long and have a dark brown color. Typically there are 8-15 of these beans in an ounce, but that will vary based on bean size, which is why we sell by weight and not by bean count. These are perfect for making homemade vanilla extract, vanilla powder or vanilla sugar.  

VanillaPura vanilla beans are all shipped vacuum sealed for freshness and should be stored unrefrigerated in a cool, dry and dark place.