Top 10 Best Vodkas for Extract Making
What is the best vodka for making vanilla extract at home?
In our other Top-10 posts, we have explored the best bourbons, the best rums and the best whiskeys for making vanilla extract. Now let's explore vodkas.
While we are constantly experimenting with vodkas in extract making, the list above is our current top-10 favorite list, with our most favorite as #1 and our least favorite as #10, but all of them work just fine.
Check back often as we will update this list from time to time as we conduct more experiments. Click any of the links below to learn more about each spirit.
There is a great offer right now at Cask Cartel for 24-vodka sampler where you can try 24 different vodkas to zero in on your personal favorite. We recommend Cask Cartel for their variety, low prices and fantastic customer service.
Order The Art of Extract Making. The first professionally published extract-making book of its kind.
- Svedka - We've made dozens of extracts with this afordable vodka and they always turn out well. Traditional vanilla extracts, fruit extracts and spice and specialty extracts. Available in 80 proof and 100 proof and both are great. (In most cases, we recommend buying from Cask Cartel for the lowest price, largest variety, best service and delivery to your home in states where it is available.)
- Reigncane - A very unique sugar-cane vodka (sounds like rum, right?) with glacier water from Alaska produces a very rare extract experience. We aren't sure if this should be in the rum or vodka category for extract making, but since they call it a vodka, so will we. The result is a super sweet extract experience with this American vodka that is difficult to find, but priced favorably. The people at Reigncan were nice enough to give us a promo code for 15% off your next bottle. Use promo code: VANILLAPURA when buy a bottle. They also have a new vanilla infused vodka that may be of interest. It's a limited offering and we have not tested it yet, but the use of a real vanilla bean may help give you a jump start on your extract. Don't forget to use promo code VANILLAPURA for 15% off:
- Ocean Vodka - Not only is the blue, round bottle super cute for extract making, but its origins in Hawaii make it a must-have vodka for Hawaiian vanilla beans. A little more expensive, but the bottle and the origin make it a fun diversion from normal.
- Grey Goose - Expensive? Yes. Worth it? You decide. We've made many extracts with Grey Goose and the result is always as fine as the spirit itself. Can you tell the difference? We think so. Plus it's fun to tell your friends that the extract was made with a nice, Grey Goose vodka.
- Tito's - Sometimes you want to keep it American, and Tito's is a great-tasting American vodka from Texas that will always deliver a nice extract.
- Kirkland French - Is there anything Costco doesn't make and sell? Several online rumors hint that this vodka is actually made by the Grey Goose company, though these rumors are unconfirmed. Still, if your Costco sells vodka and this one is available, it will make a wonderful extract at a great price.
- Absolut - Made with Swedish water and winter wheat, this is a lovely vodka in both 80 proof and 100 proof that both produce a beautiful extract at a reasonable price.
- Smirnoff - 10 times filtered, means that its smooth. It comes in a 90 and 100 proof that are both great for extract making. But BEWARE the trap of buying flavored vodkas for vanilla extract. They don't always marry well with vanilla beans and the result can be disheartening. Stick with plain Smirnoff and you'll do just fine.
- Ciroc - A five-times distilled French vodka will deliver a beautiful, pure extract. But stick with just the regular vodka and avoid the artificial flavors offered by Ciroc, as the result won't be as pleasant as you might imagine. In our experience, artificially flavored vodkas blended with vanilla beans deliver a metallic contrasting taste experience.
- Ketel One - A Dutch vodka with a citrus zing that makes extracts with fruitier vanilla beans (like Ecuadorian or V. tahitensis beans from Tahit and Indonesia) really come to life. The price is also favorable and don't let its position as #10 on our list fool you. Every vodka on this list is great for vanilla extract, and Kettle One is no exception.
- Wheatley Vodka - An American vodka from the makers of Buffalo Trace Bourbon. This vodka came highly recommended by one of our extract making pros, Bruce. We are adding it to the list on his recommendation and because of his extensive experience with extract making. We will try it and it will likely climb the list into our top-10 in the future.
Learn more tips and tricks about extract making by visiting our DIY Extract Guide Center.
Here's a list of our favorite vodkas from a class we taught all the way back in July of 2021. We have since tried other vodkas so some of our recommendations have changed, but the information about vodka is still helpful.