Tis' the season for pumpkin spice galore! Nicole is at it again on making unique and delicious extracts. Earlier this week, she was kind enough to share with us her recipe for Pumpkin Spice Extract. If you are a pumpkin lover, this one is certainly for you! Any of our Grade-A vanilla beans will be a great addition to this extract, but we decided to use our Mexican Vanilla Beans for added caramel flavor. We are so excited to share this recipe in her own words and pictures. 



  1. Place the contents in a glass jar with an air-tight lid. 
  2. Shake the contents
  3. Keep in a cool/dark place for 12 months or until the vanilla flavor is to your liking. 
  4. Enjoy!


Sounds wonderful. What did u use it in?

— Brenda Schrodt

So the cinnamon sticks stay in for the entire year? Won’t it cause it to be bitter?

— Sara

What do you mean by pumpkin spice?

— Tylene

Definitely will try this. What size of pumpkin purée can did you use?
Thanks for the recipe.

— Christina Larson

Looking for recipe for almond extract

— Jane

Could you add vanilla extract so this can be used sooner and what kinds of things have you used it in? Thanks!

— Vickie

I used half of a 15 oz can of pumpkin purée 😊
And yes this will be strained prior to decanting !

— Nicole

I used half of a 15 oz can of pumpkin purée 😊
And yes this will be strained prior to decanting !

— Nicole

Hi Pamela!
I think that would be a good idea but it’s up to you! :)

— VanillaPura

Hello, Debbie and Aimee!
Great question. Since this is a larger extract, you can do half of 29 oz. If that feels like too much pumpkin, you can always add less. :)

— VanillaPura

It calls for half a can if pumpkin purée, but how big is the can to begin with?

— Aimee

Do you strain this extract?

— Pamela Reiger

How many ounces in pumpkin purée because it comes in several sizes.

— Debbie Dennison