¿Arándano y vainilla? Un partido en el cielo! Imagínese, el antiguo pastel de arándanos, cálido y pegajoso, de la abuela. ¡Mmm! El extracto de vainilla y arándano realzará el delicioso sabor de los arándanos recién recolectados con la adición de esos profundos tonos de vainilla que proporcionan los granos de Madagascar. Agregue esto a sus recetas como galletas, panes, batidos, aderezos y adobos. La receta de Michelle es muy sencilla y limpia con sólo 4 ingredientes. ¡¡Tienes que probar esto!!


  • Vodka de 12 oz: tu favorito que ya tienes a mano. Michelle usa la marca de miembro (equivalente a Sam's Club)
  • 1/2 oz de vainas de vainilla de Madagascar cortadas y partidas
  • 1 rama de canela (yo usé canela de Ceilán)
  • 1 oz de arándanos liofilizados (usé Good & Gather de Target)
  • 1 pinta de tarro de cristal


  1. Primero, agregue las vainas de vainilla, luego la rama de canela, las bayas y finalmente el vodka en el frasco de vidrio.
  2. Déjelo reposar en un lugar oscuro y fresco durante aproximadamente 4 semanas, luego cuele las bayas y retire la ramita de canela. (No querrás que la canela sea demasiado abrumadora).
  3. Agregue más arándanos frescos liofilizados al extracto, dejando las vainas de vainilla en el frasco para extraer más. (Sin rama de canela)
  4. Déjalo reposar durante 2 1/2 meses. (Hice una prueba de sabor a mitad de camino, simplemente no estaba del todo listo. ¡Al final, fue perfecto!)
  1. Cuele las bayas pero mantenga las vainas de vainilla hasta que se acabe el extracto.

Aquí hay un video de una de nuestras fiestas de elaboración de extractos en vivo que muestra cómo hacer este increíble extracto:

¡Muchas gracias a Michelle por compartir su receta sencilla y limpia de Blueberry Buckle!

VanillaPura Pro


Using white rum instead is a great idea! Using rum will result in a sweeter extract, but may take longer to reach the desired extraction and flavor.

In our extract making guide you can find out more about using different spirits for extraction, simply copy and paste the following link into your browser:


— VanillaPura Pro

Could I use white rum rather than vodka?

— Cj Taylor

Susan, Your extract will just have a little more cinnamon flavor. I actually did the same thing and forgot to change mine out. It’s wonderful:) Test it with a little milk and see what you think.

— Jill Fulton

I am a bit anxious. I put my blueberry buckle on the counter in a brown bag and shook it when I first did it. Then we had lots of illness and i put it in the cabinet to brew. I forgot about it until today when I was making more extract and found it. The Cinnamon was still in the bottles. I strained the whole thing and put 1 oz fresh freeze dried berries in and 1/2 oz Sentani and 1/2 oz sumatra to each of the two jars . I put back the Madagascar beans that were in the mix to start. I added more Vodka to fill the jar. Do you think it can be salvaged. I used the other Vanilla beans bc they both said they had raisin /berry flavor.

— Susan Lambert

I have frozen blueberries from a pick in July. Are they ok to use or must they be freeze dried?

— Joey Counts

Hopefully Vicki Feldman sees this comment regarding her question about freeze dried vz. dehydrated berries. Yes technically you can and you should see good results though the blueberry flavor may not be as intense. Solution: Either add more dehydrated berries, buy some blueberry powder, or best yet grind some of your own into power. Add at the end and keep tasting until you are happy with the flavor.
We hope this helps and that you enjoy the results.
Regards and Best Wishes,
Howard – from a farm in N.E Ohio with about 5000 blueberry bushes and over 10,000 strawberry plants (among other fruits, vegetables, nuts, laying hens, dairy cows, fish and our horses :-)


My beans are on their way. I have Natierra freeze dried blueberries. Waiting on my Ceylon Cinnamon next. Hopefully in 3 wks. Then to make the magic happen. It takes a while but it WILL happen. Thanks.

— Susan Murphy

I plan on using my dehydrator. The recipe specified freeze dried berries. Will dehydrated berries work ? Will the amount be the same or will I need to increase the amount as they most likely be dryer?
Thank you in advance

— Vicki Feldman