Perfecto para las delicias que haces, especialmente el pastel de crema de plátano... ¡Mmm! Todos estamos familiarizados con el sabor del plátano, pero ¿qué tal si agregamos su gran sabor a tus bebidas claras, rellenos y mucho más?
- 3/4 c de chips de plátano (no deben contener azúcar ni aceite)
- 1 taza de vodka.
- Coloque el contenido en un frasco de vidrio con tapa.
- Cambie aproximadamente cada 3 semanas, hecho en aproximadamente 2 meses.
I followed the above instructions, changed chips three times and gave it an extra three weeks. It didn’t smell anything like I thought it would and had absolutely no banana taste. Unfortunately it went down the drain. It’s such an easy recipe, there’s no way you can mess it up. But something went wrong???
What exactly do you mean by “change our”??? I’m not understanding what that means. Help!
What exactly do you mean by “change our”??? I’m not understanding what that means. Help!
I dehydrated my own banana chips using very ripe bananas. Used vodka and did an extra change out along with an extra 3 wks. It really pained me tossing those used chips. Thinking of pulverizing them next time then put in banana bread. Has anyone used for anything else?
Can I use 190 proof ever clear.
Does it smell like banana at the end? I keep trying, unsuccessfully, with bananas and coconut. What brand did you use? Maybe that is the problem 🤪
Does it smell like banana at the end? I keep trying, unsuccessfully, with bananas and coconut. What brand did you use? Maybe that is the problem 🤪
Hello, Marie! We haven’t tried with fresh banana but I imagine if you’re using Everclear that it could work. The biggest worry is them turning brown and going bad. I’d say to try it out, and check on the bananas every week or so! Happy extracting! :)
Hello, Marie! We haven’t tried with fresh banana but I imagine if you’re using Everclear that it could work. The biggest worry is them turning brown and going bad. I’d say to try it out, and check on the bananas every week or so! Happy extracting! :)
Can you use fresh banana instead of ships — and would can I use Everclear instead of vodka? Thank you. and you would change out the fresh banana when they turn brown? and replace with more?
Hi Janice!
You can certainly try! We imagine rum will just make the extract sweeter whereas vodka has such a neutral flavor. Happy extracting! :)
Can you use rum instead of vodka?
Patti Winklebleck, yes change out your banana chips and add new.
Yes please explain change out
I am sorry, but change out what? New banana chips?
Why 3/4 cup banana and not just a cup?