Bonnie vuelve a hacerlo, y esta vez está haciendo extracto de limón, además del extracto de café y el extracto de naranja que ya compartió con nosotros. Puedes ver las publicaciones y el progreso de Bonnie en nuestro grupo privado de Facebook. Cómo hacer extracto de vainilla con VanillaPura .
En las imágenes de Bonnie y en sus propias palabras, así es como ella hace su propio extracto de limón casero:
Simplemente toma las cáscaras de 11 limones. Utilice un pelador de verduras para quitar la cáscara y obtener un corte más limpio.
Utilizo un frasco de vidrio con boca ancha para un fácil acceso que también me permite usar un peso de vidrio (en la foto de abajo) para presionar las cáscaras de limón hacia abajo y mantenerlas sumergidas en el alcohol.
Una vez listas las cáscaras las coloco en el tarro con el peso de cristal encima. Luego agrego 8 onzas de Blue Steel Vodka.
Deje las cáscaras de limón en el vodka durante un mes, luego retírelas del frasco y viértalas en un frasco más decorativo para uso diario.
¡Eso es todo!
Hi Ava! I’m sure your lemon sugar will be delicious in so many things, but I would recommend leaving your peels out to dry before adding to the sugar next time for ease of use.
When I changed out my lemon peels from lemon extract, I put them immediately in a jar filled with sugar. They do not seem to be drying and the sugar is moist and clumpy. The sugar smells awesome! What did I do wrong?
How long does it take to make?
I just started my first jar of lemon extract. Love lemons so much. I cut in wedges and eat them. Lol. I make a lot of lemon desserts, so I always juice any peeled lemons and pour them into ice cube trays to freeze, then pop them into a freezer bag. Always handy when needed. Thanks for this recipe. Would never have thought of making my own extract.
No matter how hard I try, my lemon peels still have a wee bit of white on the inside. Is this alright, or do I have to try and scrape more of it off the peel?
When making lemon extract, is it necessary to take lemon zest out of bottle before using? What will it hurt to leave it in? First time making it! 😳
Great recipes Bonnie, thank you!
I have two questions.
1 should I be careful not to get the white plinth with the peel? I think it is bitter?
2 what do you guess the shelf life would be of the strained extract? As it is in alcohol perhaps forecer?
You can freeze whole lemons that you used for zesting. Freeze up to 3 months.
I fill my mason jars to just under the rim so no weights needed and when I shake I prefer the rinds/zest to swim freely to get all the goodness I can
After my lemon extract was done. I strained then dehydrated the peels then added with turmeric peppercorns in blender and grind until a jive fine or course powder for lemon turmeric pepper! Absolutely Devine and with added benefits
Has anyone tried drying and powdering the rinds after removal from the alcohol?
Mine still has a strong alcohol smell, & it’s been a little over a month.
I’m wondering if I should change the peels out & wait another month?
Target has weights – I bought 2 different sizes online.
People in the group have said they’ve gotten the glass weights through Amazon.
Would love to know where you found the glass weight.
Hi Jody and Abbe! We don’t specifically have a recipe to use with the leftover rinds, but we know many individuals who make sugar with leftover rinds. We have seen orange sugar and even strawberry sugar! I think lemon sugar could be fun to use in all lemon-type treats!
Hi do you have a recipe for the lemon rinds after you’ve
finished extracting? Thank you.
What do you do with the lemons after you peeled them. I would hate to throw them away.
I’m very interested in finding that glass weight. You are an inspiration!
Is there a special cleaning process of the fruit before zesting?
Where do you buy the glass weights and do you remember about what they cost?
Do you candy the rinds, or do you have to leave them in the liquid?
Thank you for the recipe! I have my 1st batch going. Where can I find a glass weight? Thanks again!