¡Lo bueno del extracto de canela es que se puede usar en casi cualquier cosa! Es una deliciosa adición a muchos productos horneados: panes, bollos, muffins, tartas y galletas. También es perfecto para cafés o chocolates calientes para darles un toque especial. O tal vez puedas agregar un toque a tu cóctel favorito de otoño o invierno.
A diferencia de las vainas de vainilla, que básicamente puedes dejar en el frasco de extracto indefinidamente, las ramas de canela tienden a tener un sabor amargo si están en el vodka por mucho tiempo. Como no queremos extracto amargo, retira las varillas una vez que el extracto haya alcanzado la concentración adecuada. Lo sabrás por el olor y el color: será de un precioso color marrón intenso y muy fragante.
- 4 ramas de canela enteras (recomendamos la canela de Ceilán que se encuentra aquí).
- 2 tazas de vodka, sin sabor
- Frasco de 1 litro con tapa
- Coloque las ramas de canela en el frasco de una pinta o en el recipiente para hacer extracto. Es posible que tengas que partirlos por la mitad para que quepan.
- Vierte el vodka, asegurándote de que las ramas de canela queden completamente sumergidas.
- Cubra y deje reposar en una despensa de 4 a 6 semanas hasta que alcance la concentración deseada.
- ¡Retira las ramitas de canela y disfruta de tu extracto!
- Puedes reducir esta receta a la mitad para hacer una tanda más pequeña de extracto, o duplicarla o triplicarla para hacer más.
- Una vez que el extracto haya alcanzado la concentración deseada, retira las ramas de canela. Las barritas que se dejan en el vodka por mucho tiempo se volverán amargas y arruinarán el extracto.
- La cantidad exacta de tiempo que necesitará el extracto para reposar depende de la fuerza y la edad de las ramas de canela y de lo fuerte que le guste el extracto.
Aquí hay un video de nosotros haciendo este extracto durante una reciente fiesta de creación de extractos en vivo:
Hi Michelle, that’s a brilliant question, yes you can dry the cinnamon sticks and then grind them up and use in your baking! Not much goes to waste in the world of extracting :-)
After extract is made from cinnamon can the sticks be used for other things? And do they need to be redried to reuse.
Hi Kim, Saigon (also known as Cassia) cinnamon would also work equally well in this recipe! It will just give you more of that spicy cinnamon flavor, whereas Ceylon cinnamon has a softer fruitier taste. Happy Extracting!
How do I know if my cinnamon is the right kind, I bought some & it says Saigon cinnamon, can this one be used or is it better to just use Ceylon Cinnamon?
Hi June, that is a great question, thank you for asking! I’m sorry you’ve tasted too many bitter extracts though :-( We recommend putting 2-3 drops of extract into milk/cream to taste test. It really depends on the type of extract that you are making as to how long the extraction will take but it’s ready whenever the flavor is good to you!
You may find our article titled “How to Taste Test Vanilla Extract to know if it’s ready” contains some helpful advice. You can find it by searching our website or by copying and pasting the link below into your browser:
How do I know it’s ready? How do you test the flavor?
Taste testing on extracts, I’ve bought, or tried. Are all alcohol bitter to me.
Thanks for a reply.
Hi Amber, great question! You can use Everclear, you’ll just need to make sure it’s diluted to 70-100 proof.
You might find the following article and comments useful:
Also, if you’re not already a member of our Facebook group, I’d highly recommend joining! You’ll find lots of tips on extract making here and the group are always ready to offer helpful advice.
Just copy and paste the link below into your browser:
Happy Extracting!
In this recipe can you use everclear or would that be to strong? Thank you
How do you store the cinnamon extract after its finished and how long is it good for?
Suggestions on making vanilla cinnamon extract? Please and thank you
Made the cinnamon extract using above recipe. It’s been 6 weeks still smells like Kirkland vodka ,no cinnamon smell.Used 4 sticks of the ceylon from you. Do I leave them in longer?
Thank you
What do I do with cinnamon sticks after making extract?
Grind and use like regular powdered cinnamon?
How to make cinnamon sugar with them?
Thanks for your help!
Can you use the cinnamon sticks once you’re done making the extract? If so can you advise what you can do with them?
Do you need to dry or toast or whatever the sticks first in the oven? Asking for a friend.
What type/proof vodka should I use? Would a cheaper vodka work OK since the cinnamon is strong, or a better vodka? Thank you.
What type/proof vodka should I use? Would a cheaper vodka work OK since the cinnamon is strong, or a better vodka? Thank you.
How do I know if the cinnamon extract tastes right? Should I taste some cinnamon first?
HI, I was wondering about the size of the cinnamon sticks. I have some that are probably 8 inches long and some that are maybe 4 inches. Which size should I use for the extract? Thank You :)
I’m new to the group. What type of cinnamon sticks are recommended? Also vodka or rum? Same ratio and timing?
Can I use captain Morgan instead of vodka for cinnamon extract???
Once the Cinnamon sticks have been removed, would it be ok to add another batch of sticks to make a more flavorful extract or is once enough?
Thank You
Hi Sandy!
Good question. We believe the cinnamon sticks would keep their quality for about 6 months but are still “good” for much longer. Since you physically have the cinnamon sticks, I would say you’re likely the best judge about them. :) Happy extracting!
I am curious how long cinnamon sticks last if stored in a plastic bag.???? months or years? I plan to make Cinnamon extract but thinking these sticks are too old. I’ll use the old ones for decorations at Christmas.
Absolutely! One of the most popular things to do with cinnamon sticks is grinding them and then adding them to sugar to make cinnamon sugar. YUM!
Hello, Maria!
The extract should still be good for about 3-4 years. :)
When my cinnamon sticks are done soaking, can I dry them and grind them up?
How long does cinnamon extract lasts?