El extracto de coco casero es muy fácil de preparar y agrega un sabor a coco tan dulce y tropical a todas tus recetas favoritas.

Hay algunos factores que pueden tener un gran efecto en el sabor del extracto de coco. El coco que usas, el alcohol que usas y cuánto tiempo dejas reposar el coco en el alcohol para infundirlo y extraer los sabores.


  • ¾ - 1 taza de coco rallado (sin azúcar)
  • ¾ taza de ron u otro alcohol destilado (suficiente para cubrir el coco)


  1. Coloca el coco rallado en un frasco u otro recipiente hermético.
  2. Vierta suficiente ron sobre el coco para cubrirlo. Normalmente utilizarás partes iguales.
  3. Colóquelo en un lugar fresco y oscuro y déjelo reposar durante varios días a 2 semanas, agitando bien el frasco aproximadamente una vez al día.
  4. Una vez que el extracto haya alcanzado el nivel deseado de sabor a coco, escurre el extracto del coco rallado y guárdalo en un frasco hermético en un lugar fresco y oscuro.
VanillaPura Pro
Etiquetados: coconut extract


We have never had a problem with the coconut hardening or separating before. As with other extracts, we sometimes strain out the contents with a fine mesh strainer, cheesecloth, or coffee filter. Make sure to press on the coconut to release all the extract. Then try the extract; if the taste is to your liking, you’re finished! Start adding it to your favorite recipes. If you think it needs more coconut flavor, add another round of coconut and wait another two weeks. Good luck!

— VanillaPura Pro

My coconut extract has divided clear from a milky creamy part about half and half. Is that normal?

— Lori

My coconut extract was made in January- I just noticed that it has separated with a thin line of white at the top. It’s firm and it will crumble but doesn’t mix back into the extract. Should I remove it? Is my extract bad now?

— Mandy Meador

Do you use sweetened or unsweetened coconut?

— Sharon Lott

Hi Jody!
Absolutely! That sounds delicious. :) Let us know how it turns out!

— VanillaPura

Can you also dry out the coconut and make sugar?

— Jody Ruhf

How long does it take coconut extract to set up before ready to use.

— Susan FormyDuval